Are scooters banned in Saudi Arabia? This question is asked by people who love to drive electric scooters, as well as those who are thinking about buying and owning an electric scooter or renting it. We will answer this question in detail in this article, so follow carefully. The electric scooter has transformed from just a means of entertainment and enjoyment to a means of transportation, and not only that, but it has become one of the most important The most widely used means of transportation in the Kingdom and will soon become an essential means of transportation in the world.
Are scooters banned in Saudi Arabia?

No, it is not prohibited, but it is prohibited to use it in public places because the same applies to the rider of the scooter as is applied to the person who walks on his feet, that is, he is prohibited from walking in public places that have very fast vehicles in order to preserve his safety and the safety of others, in addition to the fact that electric scooters are subject to rules. Traffic in the Kingdom so that a person does not cause harm to himself or others, and the electric scooter rider must adhere to many rules, which are the rules for riding a scooter, and this is very important in order to protect himself and others from any accidents or damage:
· Read the regulations and laws in your area. There are areas where driving electric scooters is allowed on pedestrian walkways and bike paths, and there are areas where it is not allowed.
· Follow traffic laws, as the same laws that apply to cars and bicycles apply to scooters; For example, do not ride the scooter on sidewalks, respect traffic signals, and use hand signals when turning.
· Both hands are on the handlebars of the scooter, and do not neglect this point because it gives you more stability and control, especially while turning and sneaking between obstacles.
· Protect your head from serious injuries by wearing a helmet so that if you are involved in a scooter accident, the impact or injury will be completely far from the head area. You must also protect yourself through other means of protection that you will find on the Bisql website. One of the features that you find in
· Check the scooter tires well before you use it and make sure that the pressure in them is good. Also make sure that the scooter tread is not worn out. All of these things protect you and reduce the chances of you being involved in an accident.
· One of the parts that you should not move on the scooter before checking is also the brakes; Make sure that it is healthy and working well. This step is certainly very important and will preserve your life and the life of passers-by on the streets.
· Focus on your surroundings, that is, focus on the pedestrians around you, oncoming traffic, and other things, in order to avoid any accidents.
· You must know that the electric scooter does not emit sounds, and therefore passers-by or cars do not know that there is an upcoming scooter or a scooter close to them, so you must pay close attention to your surroundings, as we mentioned.
· If you are riding a scooter at night, you must turn on the lights to see the road in front of you and on both sides well, and thus drive with concentration and protect yourself from accidents. In addition, the lights make passersby and cars notice you well, and thus the chances of accidents are greatly reduced.
· Do not think about carrying another person with you on the scooter; The scooter is designed for one person only. If another person rides, the scooter will become unbalanced and the possibility of an accident and injuries will increase greatly.
· When riding the scooter on an uneven place, such as places with gravel, you must be very careful, and avoid riding the scooter on steep places in order to save your life.
· Avoid using the electric scooter in rain and storms, as well as if the ground is wet, in order to avoid any malfunction of the scooter because it runs on electricity and contact with wet lands or rain will of course damage it.
These were the most important rules and tips that you must follow when riding an electric scooter to protect your life and the lives of those around you on the streets, including cars and passers-by.
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Electric scooter license

An electric scooter does not require a license because it does not require high driving skill as happens in vehicles and motorcycles. Whoever drives a car or motorcycle needs to have high driving skills and gradually learn and go to specialists to teach him how to drive so that he becomes a completely reliable person. That he will not cause any traffic accidents and will not harm people or vehicles, then he will be handed the licence.
As for the electric scooter, it does not require a person to be skilled at driving. Rather, it is one of the easiest means of transportation to learn and does not require a license because it does not harm pedestrians or cars. If you follow the traffic rules that we talked about in the previous paragraphs, but if you are walking and do not care about the rules... Traffic means you are putting your life and the lives of others at risk as well. Otherwise, you do not need a permit to rent or buy scooters.
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Best electric scooter

There are many types of electric scooters whose prices vary according to quality, capabilities and specifications, but you rarely find a scooter that combines the appropriate price with excellent capabilities, such as the Bicycle scooter, which occupies a great position in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia due to its price, capabilities, ease of use and the offers provided by the company. Here are the advantages of dealing with
· Download the application to inform you of the nearest location to you where Baskal Company branches are located.
· One of the advantages of Bicycle Company is that it gives you a helmet to protect your head while riding the scooter and thus you get a trip that combines safety and fun.
· The color of the scooter is orange, which is one of the stimulating fiery colors that gives a feeling of activity and vitality.
· The scooter's tires are strong and professionally designed to absorb shocks and vibrations, thus providing you with high stability while driving.
· The scooter is opened and you start using it and controlling it by scanning the barcode on the scooter, then place one foot on the scooter and push with the second, then press the pedal, and after you finish the trip, put the scooter in its place.
· The Bicycle application provides you with the ability to determine the location, price, available scooters and their prices.
· You can rent or buy a Bicycle scooter from the company. The company also offers excellent offers and discounts to its customers, especially customers who deal with the company regularly. In addition, there are many distinguished people who have purchased a group of Bicycle scooters and started their own project and made a lot of money because the scooter project Definitely a successful project due to the great increase in its use.
· As for charging the electric scooter, Bicycle scooters are charged and ready for use; Don't worry about
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Frequently asked questions about whether scooters are banned in Saudi Arabia
We answered this question by saying that driving a scooter is not prohibited in Saudi Arabia, but you must adhere to the places where you drive the scooter, the traffic rules and laws, not ride it on sidewalks, and use hand signals when turning. Below are other questions we answer:
Is it possible to travel by scooter?
no; The electric scooter is intended for short trips that do not exceed 10 kilometers, and you cannot also travel with a gasoline scooter because it is also limited to a certain number of kilometers.
Does a scooter need a license in Saudi Arabia?
It does not require a license because it does not require a high skill that you must learn before you start riding it. Rather, you can drive perfectly within minutes, even if you are a beginner in driving scooters. Through the explanation, you can start using it.
What are the disadvantages of scooters?
It is not suitable for traveling or covering long distances. In addition, it does not emit sounds, so you must be aware of your surroundings, i.e. pedestrians and cars in front of you and on your side. You must also turn on the lights if you are driving at night. This protects you and makes cars and pedestrians aware of the presence of a scooter near them.
Are scooters banned in Saudi Arabia? We answered this question in detail, and we also recommended to you the best place to rent and buy an electric scooter, which is the Bicycle app, which offers discounts, offers, and a helmet as a gift so you can enjoy the fun and safe experience. If you are thinking about doing a profitable and 100% guaranteed project, we recommend the scooter project because their use is increasing day by day. After a day, because it is easy to learn, you do not need a skill, and many people use it to accomplish daily tasks such as going to work and taking errands.